About Star Educational Society

Star Educational Society is a prominent institute with a rich history and impact.

  • Functioning in sixteen branches
  • Private high school and library
  • Over 200 staff members and 13,000+ students

Star is proud to have graduated over 64,000 English language students. The school is renowned for the achievements and success of its former students, who have utilized their language skills to study in high schools and universities globally.

Star alumni and staff members have secured honored positions in government offices and NGOs, contributing to positive changes in the lives of others.

Star Educational Society Logo

Empowering minds through books!

Star Educational Society is proud to announce the revival of the Star Public Library at our Star Central Branch in Kabul - Golyayee Mahtab Qala, Barchi. This initiative aims to create a haven for knowledge seekers and book lovers alike. We are grateful for the generous book donations that have made this possible. Every book donation is a gift of knowledge, contributing to the knowledge revolution and fostering a culture of reading and learning. Join us in this endeavor and help spread the joy of reading! Together, let's build a brighter future for the community. Donate your books and be a part of this knowledge revolution!

#starpubliclibrary #BookDonation #KnowledgeIsPower #StarEducationalSociety #StarPublicLibrary #ReadingIsFun #EnglishLanguage #LoveOfBooks

Kabul Gulayee Mehtab Qala, Next to Hussain Zada Center, near Hamam Khorasan. Phone#: 0771040235

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Choosing Success with Star!

Republished in Interstellar Number 86. A message from Ali Reza Yasa, Star founder, and chairman.

Started with nothing, now 60,000+ graduates and branches across the country.

Motivated by civic duty, not wealth. English education for war-torn Afghanistan.

Impactful Success

Measured by our students' success and the positive impact on our community.

Community Support

Providing public service, supporting remote areas, and offering scholarships to needy students.

Investing in Human Capital

Tremendous investment in Afghanistan's future, shaping leaders and creating opportunities.